Published: Monday, May 17, 2021
Oval Office meeting. Photo credit: Pool/Getty Images
President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris met with Republican senators last week. Pool/Getty Images
The effort to strike a bipartisan deal on infrastructure will continue this week, as Republicans are readying a counteroffer, two congressional committees will hash out how to pay for it all and lawmakers are jockeying to get their wish lists inserted into a final package.
Following last week s White House summit between President Biden and top GOP senators, Republicans say they could have an infrastructure counteroffer soon.
Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), who is leading talks for Republicans, described the meeting as very positive.
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The Biden administration faces a barrage of major challenges in the coming week jitters about the economy, violence in the Middle East, uncertainty over the post-mask stage of the pandemic for a president who generally requires a lot of time to deliberate.
Warner made the remarks while appearing on Gray Television’s “Full Court Press with Greta Van Susteren.” Van Susteren asked the Virginia senator what was preventing the passage of legislation to create a requirement for data breach reporting for the private sector.
“Well Greta, this is an area where, one of the few areas left where there’s broad bipartisan support. I can tell you on our Intel committee, we’ve got the whole committee,” Warner said.
“Democrats, Republicans working on this. The business community has actually changed their position. As long as people can confidentially, and they get some limited immunity, and we already have those provisions on voluntary … reporting, I think we can get this done, he added.
Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images
May 04, 2021
2:23 PM ET
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House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy trashed Republican Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney before a Tuesday interview, saying she has real problems and that he has had it with her.
McCarthy was caught on a hot microphone before a hit with Fox & Friends, where he said Republicans are not concerned about Cheney’s vote to impeach former President Donald Trump, but said there are concerns about her ability to serve as conference chair. However, McCarthy had some different words about Cheney off-air.
“I think she’s got real problems,” McCarthy told Steve Doocy off-air before the interview, Axios reported. “I’ve had it with … I’ve had it with her. You know, I’ve lost confidence. … Well, someone just has to bring a motion, but I assume that will probably take place.”