The complete list of witnesses who testified included,
The Honorable Josh Stein, Attorney General, State of North Carolina;
Ms. Lisa Stifler, Director of State Policy, Center for Responsible Lending;
Dr. Frederick D. Haynes, III, Senior Pastor, Friendship-West Baptist Church, Dallas, Texas;
Mr. Brian Brooks, Former Acting Comptroller of the Currency; and
Dr. Charles Calomiris, Henry Kaufman Professor of Financial Institutions, Columbia Business School.
Dr. Haynes testimony opposed the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency s plan to enable predatory lenders to ignore state interest rate caps by paying a bank willing to masquerade as the true lender and appealed to the committee to pass a cap of 36%.
Updated: 8:28 PM CST January 27, 2021
DALLAS Dallas Independent School District says a new secondary school opening in the fall of 2021 will be named after Dallas social justice advocate and pastor of Friendship-West Baptist Church Frederick Douglass Haynes III.
The school will be on the campus of Paul Quinn College and will serve students in grades 6-12, with plans to become an international baccalaureate program, the district says.
“Educational inequity leads to poverty and poverty leads to violence. What you’re seeing here today is the school board addressing inequities in Dallas,” Dallas ISD Trustee Maxie Johnson said during Wednesday’s announcement. “Our kids who once thought they couldn’t go to college will be able to earn up to 40 credit hours and transition right into Paul Quinn College or any college of their choice.”