Rome Newsroom, Apr 9, 2021 / 12:01 pm America/Denver (CNA).
The French Catholic bishops have approved the opening of the beatification cause of a little-known but quietly influential Dominican priest.
The bishops made the announcement regarding the cause of Fr. Marie-Étienne Vayssière (1864-1940) at the end of their plenary assembly on March 26.
Although he is relatively unknown in the Catholic world nowadays, partly because of the lack of available written works about his life and spiritual legacy, the French churchman remains a revered figure among the Order of Preachers, as well as in the south of France, where he spent his life.
Those who shun vaccine responsible for viral path
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February 21, 2021 10.00pm
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Those who shun vaccine responsible for viral path
I have observed anti-vaccination protesters holding up signs stating “Not anti-vax, pro-choice”. And this is of course true; as sovereign citizens in a vibrant democracy they should have every right to exercise their own choice. But I am sure they will agree that with rights come responsibilities. Modern genetic tracing is marvellously exact and the pathways of viral infections through a population can be traced. Therefore those people who of their own choice do not take the available precautions to avoid viral infection have the responsibility to pay for all costs of treatment for themselves (but of course they must have the right to choose