This gallery of photos shows the drive-by parade hosted by the Holy Family Roman Catholic Separate School Division on Tuesday afternoon, with students with signs and balloons in front of St. Michael School, and division staff in front of the board office, along with residents from Dominic s Place joining in for the drive-by parade, with the theme Better Together . (Photos by Greg Nikkel, Sabrina Kraft and St. Michael staff) 1/15
Korryn Kubashek was elected as the new chair of the Communithon Committee, by nomination of the executive committee. Wanda Miller, who served as chair for the past two years, will now step into the past chair position. Lynda Rideout was elected vice chair, and Tasha Collins and Kristen Iversen put their names forward to co-chair the secretary and treasurer roles. Many of the sub-committee leads were also chosen during the meeting, including: Sabrina Kraft, Communications lead; Tasha Collins, Finance lead; Wanda Miller, Business Committee lead; Brenda Clark, Allocations and Staging/Facility lead; Lindsey Manko-Bauche, Volunteer Committee lead; and Kristen Iversen, Online Auction lead.