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My COVID Story: How have you been impacted by coronavirus?
Postmedia is looking to speak with people who may have been impacted by COVID-19 here in Alberta.
Have you had an upcoming surgery postponed? Do you have a family member in the ICU, or have you recovered after spending time in the ICU? Have you changed your life for the better because of the pandemic? Send us an email at to tell us your experience, or send us a message via this form.
Alberta’s first shipment of J&J vaccine will go to Banff and Fort McMurray
Eric Messer, knows a little bit about solar panel installation… Principal at
Sunrise Solar Solutions LLC, Eric was able to work with Bill to get our Club Fit Briarcliff location equipped with solar panels. These panels typically work by absorbing sunlight and solar energy, and then converting this energy from DC to AC energy we use to power our lives. However, at Club Fit, the solar energy collected will be stored in Tesla batteries, a method of solar energy collection that is becoming increasingly popular. This method allows energy to be
saved and utilized at a later time, say maybe a “peak” energy consumption time? The really cool thing about storing this energy in batteries is that this could help prevent brown outs during periods of time where we see significant energy consumption. Essentially, during peak times, the grid can become overwhelmed when power companies are not producing enough energy. Storing solar energy in batteries allows us to tap into those bat