The Big Sing Cadenza 2021 planned for Sunday and Monday, at Craighead Diocesan School and the Sacred Heart Basilica, was officially postponed on Thursday.
Esther Ashby-Coventry11:18, Jun 17 2021
valentina Bellomo/Stuff
Aidan Theatre s hard hitting Too Much Punch for Judy in rehearsal, back from left, Daniel Nodder, Teag Mackay, Austin Harrison, and front, from left, Kate Low and Prea Millar. A public performance is on Friday at Craighead Diocesan School. (File Photo)
Live Theatre: 7pm at Craighead Diocesan School.
Too Much Punch for Judy by Mark Wheeller is a thought provoking play about the ripple effects of drink driving, (R13). Tickets available at the door or through the Humanitix website.
Circus: 7.30pm from June 18-June 27 opposite Ara Institute of Canterbury Timaru Campus on Arthur St. Great Moscow Circus in the big top offers traditional Russian flavoured acrobatics, breathtaking stunts and the famous Splitting Globe of Death FMX jumps.
“We want to provide a space for youths from minority groups to have a voice and feel respected in our community.” Multicultural Aoraki general manager Katy Houstoun said it was important for youth ‘’and their voice to be heard”.
Race Unity Speech Awards semifinalist Craighead Diocesan School year 12 student Nora Quigley, second from right, stands with other contestants at the Ngā Kete Wānanga Marae in Auckland during presentations. The youth council, will remain independent to the Timaru District Council with plans to be an official part later on. “We have no plans to join the TDC just yet. For now, we just want to create a safe space for youth of various cultures to open up about cultural and race related issues,’’ Nora said.
Twizel Area School students won three awards while Craighead was selected to perform a 15minute excerpt at the 30th (SGCNZ) University of Otago Sheilah Winn Shakespeare Festival