FRAMINGHAM Officials at a Maple Street church are proposing to install solar panels on a canopy over the parish’s parking lot.
Officials with St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, DiPrete Engineering and Plankton Energy submitted plans to the city’s Planning Board to construct a canopy over the church parking lot and to install solar panels. The project area is 16,000 square feet and there are no proposed changes to the existing building.
The church at 3 Maple St. is housed in a neighborhood and some residents are concerned about the project and its effect on the surrounding homes. Some during last week’s Planning Board public hearing called the project an eyesore and asked the project team to make it more aesthetically pleasing by adding a landscaping buffer.
FRAMINGHAM Solar panels are coming to two city schools.
Solar panels will be installed on the roof of the new Fuller Middle School and on a canopy above the eastern parking lot at the school. Panels will also be installed on a canopy over the main parking lot at Brophy Elementary School.
City leaders worked with Solect Energy through the Power Options Program, an energy-buying consortium that operates a solar program available to municipalities, to pursue both solar energy initiatives.
Solect Energy estimates the middle school project will result in more than $530,000 in savings over the 25-year contract. The Brophy Elementary School plan will generate about $380,000 in savings over the life of the 25-year power purchase agreement.
Latin returns from the dead in $148M Framingham school budget
FRAMINGHAM At Framingham High School, Latin is the 2,700-year-old comeback kid.
School Committee members voted unanimously Wednesday to pass the district s fiscal 2022 operating budget. District leaders restored Latin personnel into the $148,232,945 spending package since the committee s last meeting.
Originally, the budget cut the hours of an employee in the Latin program. School officials had planned to phase out the language by no longer allowing incoming freshmen to choose Latin when they sign up for classes. Current students would have been able to continue their Latin studies until graduation.
The reinstatement means that the courses Greek and Roman Civilization and Latin for Academic Success will be taught during the 2021-22 school year.
This story is being provided for free as part of a series on childcare during the COVID pandemic, powered by the Solutions Journalism Network and dedicated to delivering solution-oriented stories about problems our community is facing.
CAMBRIDGE Pages from the graphic novel “Hilo,” with its boy robot superhero, came to life in the backseat of a car last month, as Paul Lamoureux’s voice rose from a smartphone in the hands of an 8-year-old Cambridge student.
“On Wednesday, we managed to cover 40 pages of the book, which I imagine was entertaining to (everyone else in the car) as (the student) wasn t using headphones,” the Read to a Child CEO wrote in an email to the Daily News, recalling the afternoon session. “I was on speaker and I was doing voices of Hilo, the boy-robot hero, Razorwark, his arch enemy, DJ, his friend, DJ s mom, etc.”