Apex Appraisal Service (Apex), a leading American real estate appraisal management company, has taken on the name of its international parent company, Opteon.
TP, 7” x 10”
When Emperor Zombie threatens the safety of all life on earth, President Lincoln enlists the aid of a mechanical head. With the help of associates Mr. Groin (a faithful manservant) and Mr. Dog (a dog), Screw-On Head must brave ancient tombs, a Victorian flying apparatus, and demons from a dimension inside a turnip. This beloved collection of oddball Mignola creations also includes “The Magician and the Snake” from Dark Horse Maverick: Happy Endings, and nearly fifty pages of additional material, available now for the first time in paperback!
Black Hammer Reborn #5 (of 12)
Jeff Lemire (W), Malachi Ward (A/C/Cover B), Matthew Sheean (A/Cover B), and Caitlin Yarsky (Cover A)
Critical Role, Orville & Hellboy in Dark Horse October 2021 Solicits
Critical Role, Orville & Hellboy in Dark Horse October 2021 Solicits
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Orville, to collected
No One Left To Fight, a new
Hellboy series, and a new Critical Role series too. Tell us what has your name on it in the comments below…
Critical Role, Orville & Hellboy in Dark Horse October 2021 Solicits
The Amazing Screw-On Head and Other Curious Objects TP
Mike Mignola (W/A/Cover) and Dave Stewart (C)
On sale Dec 1
TP, 7 x 10
When Emperor Zombie threatens the safety of all life on earth, President Lincoln enlists the aid of a mechanical head. With the help of associates Mr. Groin (a faithful manservant) and Mr. Dog (a dog), Screw-On Head must brave ancient tombs, a Victorian flying apparatus, and demons from a dimension inside a turnip. This beloved collection of oddball Mignola creations also includes The Magician and the Snake from Dark Horse Maverick: Happy Endings, and nearly fifty
Incentive Cover: Frany
Incentive Cover: W. Scott Forbes
The BIGGEST Buffy story of the century STARTS HERE.
The truth about Buffy, the Scooby Gang and their very existence is revealed in this jaw dropping anniversary issue.
But what is their connection to and how does it connect to ?
Every answer only leads to more questions…and straight to the Big(gest) Bad you never saw coming.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Vol. 6 SC ADVANCE SOLICITED FOR JULY 2021
Retail Price: $14.99
Artist: Andres Genolet, Ramon Bachs & Eleonora Carlini
Cover Artist: Kevin Wada
Anya has a secret connection to the Watcher’s Council and it leads to… the first full appearance of the Slayer who came before Buffy??? And the truth behind Anya’s mysterious past connects Buffy(s) – yes, plural – in ways no one ever saw coming…
Best Comic of the Week:
Hollow Heart #1 – Paul Allor and Paul Tucker caught my eye with their Tet series at IDW some years back, and Tucker has come to TCAF at least once, where I bought some of his self-published work, and so I was predisposed to like this book. It’s about El, which is either a giant robot with a human-like pink skull, or a form of cyborg, or something. El is kept in a high tech facility from which he keeps trying to escape. Mateo is a tech who works on him, and starts to develop sympathy for him, hoping to help him escape. There’s not a lot revealed in this first issue, but we get a good sense of these characters, and I’m definitely interested in reading more. It looks like another winner coming from Vault.