Once scorned, the fighting men of Budj Bim soar high
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Tony WrightAssociate editor and special writer
June 4, 2021 9.55am
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The Lovett brothers were fresh back from the most ruinous war the world had seen when they felt they deserved a beer among the other returned soldiers of their district.
They set out on foot in the uniforms of the Australian Imperial Force that four of them Alfred, Leonard, Edward and Herbert had worn through desperate days on the Western Front in France and Belgium. The fifth brother, Frederick, wore the jaunty outfit of the light horseman he had been in Palestine. It was mid-1919.
The First Armoured Division parade at Puckapunyal on June 21, 1942. Picture: Australian War Memorial
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The Seymour and Puckapunyal districts have a rich military history that spans more than 100 years, covering the immediate post-Federation era, the world wars, the Korean War and first National Service scheme and the Vietnam War and the second National Service scheme.
In this six-part series, we will explore the military history of the Seymour and Puckapunyal areas by bringing back to life some of the key military events of the time.
When World War II broke out in September 1939, the Australian Military Force s Third Infantry Division quickly mobilised and by October 10 there were 6000 soldiers from the division in camp at Seymour and Trawool.