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Motorists may soon notice new electronic signs along the Bruce Highway travelling between the Mackay and the Whitsundays.
It is part of a $56 million statewide Bruce Highway Road Operations Improvement Project to install Intelligent Transport Systems including at 81 locations across the Mackay Whitsundays district.
A Department of Transport and Main Roads spokesman said the systems would minimise challenges from weather events and other unplanned incidents. Water over the Bruce Highway, south of Goorganga Plains after heavy rains fell across Mackay and the Whitsundays, 2011. Photo Lee Constable
“CCTV, flood warning and Bluetooth detection systems will be used to monitor conditions and issues which will report back to road users through electronic signage,” the spokesman said.
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Subscriber only A tipper truck stolen from a recreational business at Goorganga Plains has been found undamaged 16 days after it was reported missing. Police appealed for information on February 2 about the theft after offenders allegedly broke into the business on Lascelles Ave the night before. A Mitsubishi tipper truck was taken from the site while buildings and caravans at the scene were also forcefully entered and searched. Police advised the tipper truck was found undamaged about 4pm on Thursday at Laguna Quays.
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A Department of Transport and Main Roads spokesman provided an update, saying funding had been allocated to both Hamilton Plains and Shute Harbour Rd. He said $37 million had been allocated under the Roads of Strategic Important package, with $29.6 million contributed by the Federal Government and $7.4 million from the State Government. The spokesman explained the funds had been earmarked for a flood mitigation project at Hamilton Plains and an upgrade to a section of Shute Harbour Rd, near Cannonvale. The Hamilton Plains project is due to start detailed design in mid-2021, the spokesman said. The project is set to be delivered in the 2022-23 to 2023-24 financial years.