Rear Adm. Ben Reynolds is a native of Jones, Oklahoma and a 1992 graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy where he earned a Bachelor of Science in Economics. He also holds master’s degrees in National Security and Strategy from the National War College; Systems Analysis from the Naval Postgraduate School; and International Affairs from George Washington University.
Reynolds commanded Helicopter Sea Combat Wing Pacific and the Island Knights of Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron Two Five (HSC-25) in Guam, deploying twice to Iraq while at HSC-25. Previous operational assignments include tactics officer in Helicopter Combat Support Squadron Six (HC-6), deploying in support of Balkans and African operations. He was tactics officer and maintenance officer in Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron Two Six (HSC-26) where he deployed in support of Haiti relief operations, as well as part of NATO Standing Naval Forces.
Duty Calls: Airman worthy of being called a great soldier
Terry Brown
Maj. Gen. Anthony LaBarge, commander of the New York Air National Guard, presents the Legion of Merit to Chief Master Sgt. Shawn Peno during a ceremony in Latham.Ryan CampbellShow MoreShow Less
Joan Peno puts a retirement pin on her husband Chief Master Sgt. Shawn Peno’s uniform.Ryan CampbellShow MoreShow Less
Chief Master Sgt. Shawn Peno, left, is on duty in Iraq.U.S. Army photoShow MoreShow Less
New York Air National Guard Chief Master Sgt. Shawn Peno of Schenectady received a Legion of Merit Medal for not only being an exemplary airman but also for being a great soldier of sorts.