Ebola in Guinea: ALIMA prepares to respond to the country’s first outbreak since 2016
Following the confirmation of several people infected with the Ebola Virus Disease in Guinea’s N’Zérékoré region, an emergency response team from ALIMA (The Alliance for International Medical Action) is already on the ground working with national and local authorities to conduct a needs assessment of the health structures and communities in the affected area, and prepare for an eventual support to the response.
“Our team is ready to support health authorities to manage the response against the outbreak by delivering care to patients and protecting health workers,” said Dr. Abdoul Bing, Medical Coordinator for ALIMA in Guinea. “ALIMA plans to bring all necessary means and closely work with the local communities to deliver health care according to optimized standards, in order to ensure the early care of patients. We know that it is what saves lives, because there are now trea