As part of the dual listed company structure, the boards of Investec plc and Investec Limited (together the Board ) notify both the London Stock Exchange and the JSE Limited of matters which are required to be disclosed under the Disclosure, Transparency and Listing Rules of the United Kingdom Listing Authority (the UKLA ) and/or the JSE Listing Requirements. As announced on 19 March 2021: further to Charles Jacobs s upcoming appointment as co-head of U.K. investment banking at JP Morgan and Lord Malloch-Brown s appointment as President of the Open Society Foundations, both have indicated their intention not to stand for re-election at the AGM and accordingly Charles Jacobs will step down from the Boards with effect from 30 June 2021 and Lord Malloch-Brown will step down with effect from 05 August 2021
21 April 2021 NatWest Group plc will hold its Virtual Shareholder Event ( Virtual Event ) at 2.00pm today. The Virtual Event is being held ahead of the Annual General Meeting ( AGM ) on 28 April 2021 to provide shareholders with the opportunity to hear from the Chairman, CEO and other Board members, and ask questions prior to voting on the AGM resolutions. The following is an extract of the remarks to be made by Howard Davies, Chairman, and Alison Rose, Chief Executive at the Virtual Event. Howard Davies Hello and welcome. We have once again decided to hold a virtual event, separate from our formal AGM. The safety of our staff and our shareholders are of paramount importance.