Aegon N.V.: Aegon reports second half-year 2020 results
Improved operating performance; dividend well covered by Free Cash Flows
Net loss of EUR 147 million in the second half of 2020, mainly as a result of an increase of the value of liabilities in the Netherlands due to tightening credit spreads, reversing the movement seen in the first half of the year
Underlying earnings before tax increase by 7% to EUR 1,029 million driven by the benefit from higher equity markets in the United States and Asset Management, and expense savings. COVID-19 had a manageable impact, as it led to both adverse mortality and favorable morbidity in the US, which broadly offset each other
Financing Split Dollar plans (in a volatile market)
Does anyone else feel like you have been riding a roller coaster trying to balance a raw egg? Over the last several months, the volatility in the market has caused some executives concern for their Split Dollar benefits. It is important to understand the type of insurance used in your plan and how each product works.
For the majority of Split Dollar Plans, life insurance is the natural choice for funding. Although the decision to utilize life insurance is fairly straight-forward, the type of product best suited to accomplish the objectives can be a different story. There are two types of insurance which are most commonly used; Index Universal Life and Whole Life. Each type has key features which help mitigate risk while maximizing flexibility and efficiency.