Why Bobby Kennedy Is Inspirational
July 26, 2021
“Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.”
– Robert F. Kennedy
I am inspired by Robert F Kennedy. His “Ripple of Hope” Speech in South Africa was truly a masterpiece, delivered with passion and genuine belief. As Attorney General, he made great progress in fighting organized crime. He was very involved in the Civil Rights Movement as well. He was a key member in the presidency of John F. Kennedy and was often joked about as co-president. He played a very important role in ending the Cuban Missile Crisis and averting a possible third Word War at the height of the Cold War.
Corrie MacLaggan will take over in June as statewide managing editor for The Texas Newsroom, a public radio journalism collaboration.
The Austin native will take the helm of The Texas Newsroom, a public radio journalism collaboration that includes NPR, KERA in North Texas, Houston Public Media, KUT in Austin, Texas Public Radio in San Antonio and other stations across the state.
Corrie MacLaggan, managing editor of the pioneering digital news site The Texas Tribune, will become the new statewide managing editor for the public radio stations of The Texas Newsroom.
MacLaggan is a bilingual Austin native who’s reported and edited for Reuters, the Austin American-Statesman, the El Paso Times and publications in Mexico City. She’ll replace Mark Memmott, who retired earlier this year.
Racism is the idea that one racial group is inferior or superior to another, and has the social power to carry out and benefit from systemic discrimination. This applies to most, if not all, institutions in this country, including public media. Anti-Blackness and white supremacy shape both the institutional policies and practices of society and shape the cultural beliefs and values that support racist policies and practices.
White supremacy is the political and socio-economic system that allows white people both at a collective and individual level to enjoy structural advantage and rights that other racial and ethnic groups do not.