welcomesas our guest Debora G. De Farias author of
Standing Tall.Debora graduated in Dentistry from the University of Brasilia,followed by a Master s Degree in Health Sciences, she also obtainedher equivalent D.D.S degree from the University of Florida when shemoved to the United States in 2001.
Debora is passionate abouther health career, literature and arts. An avid reader since the ageof four, she grew up surrounded by books, fascinated especially bythe true stories of those unknown heroes and heroines that are partof our history.
She lives in Jacksonville,Florida, with her husband, Toan Nguyen, and their son, Andrew. Whennot writing, reading, or promoting beautiful smiles, Debora can befound painting. Her art reflects her interest in travel and culture,the realistic depictions of the transformative effects of light andcolor.