“The Undoing,” starring Nicole Kidman and Hugh Grant, was HBO’s most watched series of 2020. Through the twists and turns of a murder mystery, it also explores themes of economic privilege, race and marriage. On Thursday, May 20 at 12:00pm ET, Washington Post movie critic Ann Hornaday speaks with Kidman and Grant about their roles, the creative opportunities in the streaming television landscape and their friendship offscreen.
Some have gone on to become pop culture favourites while others proved to be less successful. So which movie shot in Powys is regarded as the best and worst? Here is a list of some of the films shot in Powys. Have we missed any? Get in touch and let us know. The Dark Knight Rises Henryd Waterfall. Picture: Wiki. Christopher Nolan’s 2012 superhero movie starring Christian Bale as Batman along with a supporting cast of Michael Caine, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Gary Oldman, Morgan Freeman, Anne Hathaway, Tom Hardy and Marion Cottilard. In addition to being Nolan s highest-grossing film, it became the seventh-highest-grossing film of all time at the time of its release, as well as the third-highest-grossing film of 2012.
Some have gone on to become pop culture favourites while others proved to be less successful. So which movie shot in Powys is regarded as the best and worst? Here is a list of some of the films shot in Powys. Have we missed any? Get in touch and let us know. The Dark Knight Rises Henryd Waterfall. Picture: Wiki. Christopher Nolan’s 2012 superhero movie starring Christian Bale as Batman along with a supporting cast of Michael Caine, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Gary Oldman, Morgan Freeman, Anne Hathaway, Tom Hardy and Marion Cottilard. In addition to being Nolan s highest-grossing film, it became the seventh-highest-grossing film of all time at the time of its release, as well as the third-highest-grossing film of 2012.