Umbilical Cord Blood Banking Market
This report elaborates the market size, market characteristics, and market growth of the Umbilical Cord Blood Banking industry, and breaks down according to the type, application, and consumption area of Umbilical Cord Blood Banking. The report also conducted a PESTEL analysis of the industry to study the main influencing factors and entry barriers of the industry.
In Chapter 3.4 of the report, the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on the industry was fully assessed. Fully risk assessment and industry recommendations were made for Umbilical Cord Blood Banking in a special period. This chapter also compares the markets of Pre COVID-19 and Post COVID-19.’s offering.
From the early 1900s through the mid-2000s, the global cord blood banking industry proliferated with cord blood banks emerging in all major healthcare markets worldwide. From 2005 to 2010, the market reached saturation and stabilized. From 2010 to 2020, the market began to aggressively consolidate, creating both threats and opportunities within the industry.
Serious threats to the industry include low rates of utilization for stored cord blood, expensive cord blood transplantation procedures, difficulty educating obstetricians about cellular therapies, and an increasing trend toward industry consolidation. Opportunities for the industry include price efficiencies associated with scale and consolidation, accelerated regulatory pathways for cord blood and tissue-based cell therapies, and progress with
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From the early 1900s through the mid-2000s, the global cord blood banking industry proliferated with cord blood banks emerging in all major healthcare markets worldwide. From 2005 to 2010, the market reached saturation and stabilized. From 2010 to 2020, the market began to aggressively consolidate, creating both threats and opportunities within the industry.
Serious threats to the industry include low rates of utilization for stored cord blood, expensive cord blood transplantation procedures, difficulty educating obstetricians about cellular therapies, and an increasing trend toward industry consolidation. Opportunities for the industry include price efficiencies associated with scale and consolidation, accelerated regulatory pathways for cord blood and tissue-based cell therapies, and progress with
and Forecasts in US$ Million by Region/Country: 2020-2027
Table 2: Cord Blood Banking Services Global Retrospective
Market Scenario in US$ Million by Region/Country: 2012-2019
Table 3: Cord Blood Banking Services Market Share Shift across
Key Geographies Worldwide: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027
Table 4: Private Cord Blood Banks (Segment) World Market by
Region/Country in US$ Million: 2020 to 2027
Table 5: Private Cord Blood Banks (Segment) Historic Market
Analysis by Region/Country in US$ Million: 2012 to 2019
Table 6: Private Cord Blood Banks (Segment) Market Share
Breakdown of Worldwide Sales by Region/Country: 2012 VS 2020 VS
Markets Worldwide in US$ Million: 2020 to 2027
Table 8: Public Cord Blood Banks (Segment) Historic Market