Sitka High School s unified track and field competitor Jack Mickelson applauds his event during Saturday s Region V Championships at Thunder Mountain Field. (Klas Stolpe/KINY) Juneau, Alaska (KINY) - The spirit and sportsmanship from the 2021 Region V Track and Field Championships at Thunder Mountain High School’s oval was perhaps best encapsulated by the most loved athlete on the Sitka Wolves team.
“Let’s goooooooo, cheered Sitka sophomore Jack Mickelson, who likened his own running style to that of a gorilla.
Mickelson, who is autistic, looked more at his fellow jumpers and coaches watching the long jump event than the line marking the pit he ran at.
2020: Pandemic, natural disaster and upheaval
December 24, 2020
Megan Whitermore celebrates graduation from the back of a truck on Main Street during Tuesday s parade. The ceremony was altered due to COVID-19 restrictions.
As I sat down to write the 2020 Year in Review, I thought: I don t want to relive this year, nor should anyone else. But tradition dictates an annual recap, which if left unwritten, would end my positive relationship with CVN bookkeeper Jane Pascoe. Plus, the newspaper is a weekly black hole of white space that must be filled. So here it goes:
A January 2020 blizzard that brought 50 inches of snow in two days prompted then-borough manager Debra Schnabel to declare a public safety emergency. She told the CVN she hoped the public would hunker down while public works crews cleared roads. The term would soon reappear in a different context two months after the severe weather event that, in hindsight, seems miniscule.