Amanda Bell, senior caregiver and Jill Walton,field care supervisor The home care company sent staff to greet them at the hotel. After helping all residents into their bedrooms, Cheshire Foodbank delivered individual food packages, followed by a much-needed hot meal provided by the hotel. Michelle said: “On Thursday I received the news you don’t ever want to get – a call from social services saying that a client is in danger. Amanda Bell, senior caregiver, and Michelle Lawson, registered care manager registered care manager at Best Western Forest Hills Hotel
Amanda Bell, senior caregiver, and Michelle Lawson, registered care manager registered care manager at Best Western Forest Hills Hotel
Rose and Geoff Enwright celebrating Geoff s 93rd birthday
Rose and Geoff Enwright celebrating Geoff s 93rd birthday The couple s granddaughter Lesley Davenport, 32, from Winnington, said: My grandparents are back and safe in their own home now. Unfortunately one of the helpers in Memorial Court tested positive for Covid so they are all having to self isolate. Mum and dad have also had to self isolate. Rose Enright
Rose Enwright The couple moved back into their apartment on the first floor yesterday, where they have lived for the past 10 years. Geoff Enwright
Geoff Enwright We had to stock up their fridge and freezer as they lost all their food when the electricity went off, said Lesley. Waitrose has been really good and dropped off some food.