The Covid-sized hole in Biden’s vax order
With help from Tyler Weyant
A TIME OF TESTING (FOR SOME) President Joe Biden unveiled his don’t-call-it-a-mandate vaccine mandate for 2 million federal employees today, announcing that the civilian workforce and federal contractors will be required to disclose whether they’ve been vaccinated against Covid or face testing once or twice a week.
President Joe Biden talks to reporters as he walks off stage after delivering remarks in the East Room of the White House. | Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images
Workers who aren’t fully vaccinated will have to wear masks regardless of geographic location and will be subject to travel restrictions and physical distancing measures.
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With help from Sarah Owermohle and Myah Ward
after another high-profile cyberattack exposed more frailties in the world’s computer systems.
Unlike the Colonial Pipeline hack, the ransomware attack on the IT software management vendor Kaseya doesn’t appear to have threatened critical infrastructure. Still, it highlights the difficulty of curbing the activities of Russian cyber criminals, who can effectively terrorize businesses around the world with impunity from sanctuaries in Russia and other former Soviet states.