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The team dive into this week’s shock £36bn AT&T/Discovery deal, while ITV and C4’s drama bosses join the Restart Conference
The global TV world was rocked this week by the £36bn AT&T/Discovery mega-merger, an eventuality that no one saw coming bar a handful of US execs who enjoy a spot of golf.
International gurus John Elmes and Jesse Whittock are joined by Ampere Analysis research director Richard Broughton to discuss, in a week that also saw reports of a potential Amazon/MGM buyout. The trio talk serious scale, ambition and the ripple effects on the UK indie sector as a new future is carved out for these conglomerates.
By Staff Writer-29 January 2021 10:00am
Introducing The Drum’s new hires: (from l-r) Linda Beal, Alex Zeevalkink, Claire Adams and Matt Brightwell
2021 has begun with a raft of senior hires for The Drum. Having introduced a new manifesto in 2020, the latest additions will help to build upon the company’s focus on solutions as The Drum dials up its own digital transformation.
The new arrivals are Alex Zeevalkink, who joins as head of digital publishing; Claire Adams, who takes up the post of head of data; Linda Beal, who joins the leadership team as chief of staff; and Matt Brightwell, who becomes platform manager for The Drum’s self-serve content offering, Open Mic.