Typo negative: the best and worst of Grauniad mistakes over 200 years
From ‘The Taming of the Screw’ to ‘irritable bowl syndrome’, the paper is fondly known for its slips Composite: Guardian Design/The Guardian Composite: Guardian Design/The Guardian
Wed 12 May 2021 02.00 EDT
“If anyone wanted to construct a machine for the production of error, a newspaper would probably be it.” So wrote Ian Mayes, the Guardian’s first readers’ editor, in his debut column in that role in 1997.
His appointment marked the start of a daily corrections and clarifications column, a first for a UK newspaper, which has mined a rich seam of typos and other slips for which “the Grauniad” is fondly known.
Hey Geelong, Paris called and wants its Ritz back
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There’s great excitement about Monday’s planned opening of the Geelong Ritz Hotel, which breathless local coverage has described as transforming “Geelong’s ugly duckling … into a magnificent swan”.
Is Geelong the new Paris of the south?
In fact, the excitement is so great it has travelled 17,000 kilometres across the globe to Paris and that city’s famed Ritz Paris Hotel – “where French art de vivre meets the elegance of Belle Époque” – is none too happy.
The newly renovated Sir Charles Hayward Yacht Club in February 2021. (PHOTO: GBPA)
GRAND BAHAMA, BAHAMAS The Grand Bahama Port Authority, Limited (GBPA) has confirmed that restoration of the Sir Charles Hayward Yacht Club and renovations to the adjacent Maritime Police Station, which began last year, has been completed.
Following the devastation wrought by Hurricane Dorian over a year ago, the Grand Bahama Port Authority, Limited (GBPA) has focused on rebuilding social infrastructure to support the youth of the community.
GBPA Facilities Manager and Project Coordinator Howard Russell said: “The yacht club sustained widespread wind and flood damage. With the help of local contractors Shabazz and Johnaptle Construction, extensive repairs were carried out on the building’s exterior and interior and to the club’s surrounding facility.