Statistical Outlier: From Catholic Woman To Chasidic Scholar
Ani with her recently published book – Tanya Companion
Ani is a statistical outlier. She has sustained an 80 pound weight loss for more than a decade, a feat less than three percent of the population can claim. And in her winning essay on, entitled, “Short but Long: Why Diets and Other Lifestyle Changes Fail,” she explores the Chasidic approach to making life changes last.
Whereas most diets talk about simple approaches (keto, Paleo, and others that tell you what to eat and why and promise the achievement of short-term objectives – feel better! Look great! Improve your health!), they basically consist of a quick and easy fix to symptoms. Almost everything can work for a while, but one day the pressure of repressing our instinctual desires gets to be too much… and one is back to being a statistic.