Scava nella storia intima dei suoi genitori diventati i protagonisti di un romanzo in cui la Spagna
del dopoguerra, del regime franchista e della democrazia (ANSA)
It was the year of the pandemic and the year of great reading opportunities. The percentage of Spaniards over 14 years of age who frequently read books in their free time, that is, at least once a week, reached a historical maximum of 57% during the months of confinement (the average, taking the whole year , reached 52.7%). In 2019, that figure was 50%.
This is the data highlighted by the Ministry of Culture and Sports in the presentation this Friday of the Barometer of Reading Habits and Buying Books in Spain . “The increase is positive, but small,” the expert José Antonio Millán, coordinator of the three editions of the book Reading in Spain , tells EL PAÍS .
Ana Luísa Amaral wins Book of the Year By Cristina da Costa Brookes, in Books · 11-12-2020 01:00:00 · 0 Comments
The Portuguese writer Ana Luísa Amaral has been recognised by the association of bookstores of Madrid with the Book of the Year award, in the area of Poetry, by the publication in Spain of “What’s in a name”.
The announcement was made on the page of the Asociación de Empresarias y Empresarios del Comercio del Libro de Madrid – Gremio de Librerías, within the framework of the annual awards, which distinguish fiction, essay, poetry, comics and illustration. The Spanish writer Juan José Millás, author of “Let no one sleep”, received the Leyenda 2020 Career Award.