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(影)「飛虎隊」80週年 空軍拍「飛虎薪傳」矢言守護台灣天空 | 政治

飛虎隊P-40戰鬥機。   圖:翻攝維基百科/GFDL 1.2 《中華民國空軍》臉書粉專今天(30日)分享「飛虎薪傳」紀念影片,指出欣逢「中華民國空軍美籍志願大隊」成立80週年,遙想當年艱險詭譎的情勢中,無數「飛虎英雄」拋頭顱灑熱血犧牲與奉獻,才有今日民主自由的中華民國。空軍表示將持續傳承飛虎精神,發揚空軍忠勇軍風,維護先賢先烈們用鮮血換來現世的和平,繼續守護中華民國的天空。 影片介紹,飛虎隊一詞由來眾說紛紜,有人說是飛虎隊將軍陳納德籌辦志願隊,但民眾將機頭的鯊魚鋸齒圖狀誤認成老虎,而以訛傳訛造成這個「美麗的錯誤」;只是無論傳言如何,「飛虎隊」在二戰期間的輝煌戰績與堅實的中美友誼,都是永恆不變的事實。 根據歷史紀錄,1937年初,應國民政府邀請,美國陸軍航空隊退役上尉飛官陳納德(Claire


  罗洪波说,1937年“七七”事变后,侵华日军步步紧逼,国民党中央政府被迫迁往重庆。宜昌是长江入川的咽喉要道,去四川的人都要在宜昌改乘川江客轮。张一之趁此机会,邀请知名人士到校参观或演讲。   据记载,先后来孔庙前演讲的有抗日名将冯玉祥、著名教育家陶行知等。这些人的演讲内容丰富、题材新颖、含义深刻、风趣幽默。   冯玉祥在演讲时,首先问大家:“鬼子的飞机来下蛋,你们怕不怕?”数百名官兵与百姓、学生齐声说:“不怕!”冯将军说:“那有什么可怕呢?你们说,天上的飞机多,还是鸟多?”大家说:“当然鸟比飞机多!”“既然是鸟比飞机多,那么鸟屎为什么不掉到你们的头上呢?”幽默的话语引得大家哄堂大笑。   据李发刚教授考证,当年学院街有很多地下党员,张一之就是其中之一。他利用自�

A business genius who created a Fortune 500 company with two gold bars-Eastday

Whither news conferences? Step up to the podium, Mr President

Whither news conferences? Step up to the podium, Mr. President FacebookTwitterEmail President Biden speaks with reporters on the South Lawn of the White House last month.Samuel Corum / New York Times Each of President Biden’s last 15 predecessors held a solo press conference at this point in their first terms. Biden’s lack of accessibility is drawing criticism from Washington reporters who have plenty of questions to ask him directly. It also challenges his promise of a new era of truth and transparency after four years of an administration that was deficient on each. It’s not as if there were a dearth of issues to pursue in Biden’s first two months. The rollout of the vaccine, the $1.9 trillion pandemic relief bill, the air strike on Iran-backed militias in Syria, the administration’s tepid response to a finding that Saudi Arabia’s crown prince authorized the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, and Biden’s issuance of executive orders on everything from immigran

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