So much for hearing any real budget answers from Gov. Andrew Cuomo in last month’s budget address. Once again, Cuomo has kicked the can down the road, putt
December 23, 2020 6:01 AM (Christy Bieber)
December 25, 2020 5:52 AM
State and local governments generally charge some type of taxes on their citizens in the form of property taxes, sales taxes, or state income taxes. Traditionally, those who paid these taxes were eligible to deduct the amount of their payment from their income on the federal level. The deduction of state and local taxes is abbreviated as the SALT deduction, and it’s available to those who itemize on their federal tax returns.
In 2017, however, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act passed and reformed federal tax law. One of the biggest changes was a limitation on the SALT deduction, which went into effect in 2018. This change made it so that itemizing no longer makes sense for many and it also caused millions of Americans to lose a substantial portion of their deductions.