Published February 01. 2021 8:49AM
Norwich celebrated its tercentenary in 1959 with a two-week event, including a grand parade. This was so successful that it was used as a blueprint for the first Rose Arts Festival in 1965. The float is from the City of Norwich Parks Division. In the background is the Disco Building, which today houses the Eastern Connecticut Savings & Loan.
Ken Keeley has published 12 Norwich pictorial history books. He can be reached at . Loading comment count.
Published January 22. 2021 7:57AM
Bill Stanley, Special to The Times
No matter how far you move physically in life, you never completely leave the place where you grew up.
Having been born and raised in Norwich, I have many fond memories of the Rose City from my formative years. Many of those memories become more vivid when I’m able to re-connect with old friends and acquaintances on Facebook.
Social media isn’t for everyone, but reliving memories from our hometown and engaging with others who have lived and/or worked there is refreshing. It is a means for sharing information sometimes sad information like the recent passing of classmate and friend, Joe Barbera, a wonderfully friendly, happy, and popular guy, whom I met during our days together in the late 1960s at Kelly Junior High School.