Stafford supervisors heard highlights and reviewed the countyâs school budget for fiscal year 2022 during a work session this week at the University of Mary Washingtonâs Stafford campus with School Board members and Superintendent Scott Kizner.
Kiznerâs proposed operating budget for the new fiscal year that begins July 1 totals $343 million. The budget requests $140 million from the county, an increase of about $12 million from the current fiscal year.
The new school budget focuses on four areas, including staff and student growth, a 5 percent across-the-board pay raise to incentivize competitiveness, and investments in school infrastructure to meet the growing student population.
Stafford supervisors heard highlights and reviewed the countyâs school budget for fiscal year 2022 during a work session this week at the University of Mary Washingtonâs Stafford campus with School Board members and Superintendent Scott Kizner.
Kiznerâs proposed operating budget for the new fiscal year that begins July 1 totals $343 million. The budget requests $140 million from the county, an increase of about $12 million from the current fiscal year.
The new school budget focuses on four areas, including staff and student growth, a 5 percent across-the-board pay raise to incentivize competitiveness, and investments in school infrastructure to meet the growing student population.