Drive for Good: Stratton Leopold on hiring from Employability Share Updated: 7:40 PM EST Jan 19, 2021 Share Updated: 7:40 PM EST Jan 19, 2021
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Show Transcript as we continue our drive for good campaign, we ve been telling you about employability and the great work they do with adults who have intellectual and developmental disabilities. Many of them in the program are having great success in the workplace tonight, our Dave Williams tells us that includes one business serving Savannah. For more than a century, Leopold Ice Cream has been delighting residents and tourists of Savannah since 1919, and part of their success is the delightful attitude of their employees. For Lee oppose. Three of those come from employability, which helps adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities find work. And they couldn t be happier. Their loyalty, their work ethic, their cheerfulness. It s been amazing. We re just so honored, so proud, so h