Rock Springs Main Street/Urban Renewal Agency
Arts organizations, businesses, and individuals from Rock Springs have formed the Sweetwater Arts Partnership group to combine their efforts to raise awareness and strengthen the arts scene in the local community.
Back in November 2019, Rock Springs was named one of three pilot communities for the Wyoming Arts Alliance Professional Development Program. The Rock Springs Main Street/Urban Renewal Agency and the Community Fine Arts Center jointly applied to the program.
Since then, the organizations have been collaborating with other local businesses, art educators, and artists regularly to develop the pilot workshop with the program coordinator from Wyoming Arts Alliance. From those meetings, the Sweetwater Arts Partnership group was formed.
ROCK SPRINGS In November of 2019, Rock Springs was named one of three pilot communities for the Wyoming Arts Alliance (WyAA) Professional Development Program. The Rock Springs Main Street/Urban Renewal Agency (URA) and the Community Fine Arts Center (CFAC) jointly applied for the program.
Since then, Rock Springs art organizations, businesses and individuals along with the WyAA Program Coordinator have been collaborating on a regular basis on all aspects of developing this unique pilot workshop. From these meetings the Sweetwater Arts Partnership group was formed.
One of the projects that was discussed at these workshops was to have the mayor of Rock Springs recognize local artists, patrons of the art, art educators, and community art supporters at a Mayor’s Arts Awards presentation.