The Indigenous Child’s Right to Food, Water, and Health
Disproportionate Presence of Indigenous Children in Criminal Justice Systems
Repercussions of Covid School Closures on the Indigenous Child’s Right to Education
The Covid-19 pandemic, and related school closures, has negatively affected children’s right to a quality education around the world. Indigenous children both those living in and outside of Indigenous communities frequently faced additional barriers to distance learning alternatives. Often these barriers are due to historic marginalization, exclusion, and systemic discrimination that resulted in disparities prior to the pandemic, and which can manifest in lower-incomes, lower levels of education within families, failure to adequately accommodate Indigenous languages, and under-investment in necessary infrastructure such as the internet. As an education official in the Pueblo of Jemez, a Native American community in the United States, said: “This pandemic has
Massacres and Killings of Social Leaders Impede Peace in Colombia
by Gimena Sánchez-Garzoli
In recent months, the Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA) has received various requests for the protection of social leaders and ethnic minorities, as well as human rights cases requiring intervention. These have surpassed our staff’s ability to act on all of them in our usual, expeditious manner. As such, we are constrained to publishing alerts in a parceled manner. Below are the first set of cases we’ve received.
We cannot stress enough that international actions are required to stop the human rights rollbacks occurring as a result of the inadequate implementation of the 2016 peace accord, especially the Ethnic Chapter; resistance to advance a humanitarian dialogue with the National Liberation Army (