Search The Newsoom Aflac named title sponsor of SEC MBA Case Competition hosted by Auburn’s Harbert College of Business April 15-17
Published: March 04, 2021
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Aflac, a leading provider of supplemental insurance products in the U.S., will serve as title sponsor for the eighth annual SEC MBA Case Competition hosted virtually April 15-17 by Auburn University’s Raymond J. Harbert College of Business. Harbert College was scheduled to host the event in April 2020, but COVID-19 forced its postponement.
“Having a popular brand like Aflac as title sponsor for the SEC MBA Case Competition has been such a tremendous win for the Harbert College, Auburn University and the Southeastern Conference,” said Jim Parrish, executive director of full-time and online graduate programs at the Harbert College, who also organizes the college’s SEC MBA Case Competition activities.
Interdisciplinary effort part of Auburn University’s annual Tiger Giving Day
Published: February 23, 2021
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Approaching Selma, Alabama, from the south on Highway 80, the iconic Edmund Pettus Bridge looms large on the horizon as travelers begin the incline to cross the Alabama River.
Most drivers may not notice the 300-yard area before the bridge now a dilapidated row of mostly boarded-up businesses long since shuttered or even realize they are traveling through a historic site until they happen to catch a glimpse of the modest memorial park located to the bridge’s southeast as they head downtown. Two Auburn University professors Richard Burt and Keith Hébert are committed to changing that, as the four-lane roadway that heads toward the bridge was the site of one of the most seminal moments of the history of civil rights.
Alabama Cooperative Extension System announces new director
Published: February 23, 2021
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Mike Phillips has been named director of the Alabama Cooperative Extension System, the primary outreach organization for Alabama A&M and Auburn universities, both of which are land-grant institutions with the mission of providing real-life solutions and helping improve the lives of all Alabamians.
Phillips will begin his new role March 1 with the joint system referenced generally as Alabama Extension which was created in 1995 when the universities’ Extension programs were combined.
“What an exciting time for Alabama Extension as it continues to reinvent itself to meet the needs of Alabama citizens,” Alabama A&M President Andrew Hugine Jr. said. “The Extension director stands at the crossroad that integrates and interprets academia and research for common people, while confronting state, national and glo
Auburn professor Bodewits’ work included in NASA’s Hubble timeline
Published: February 17, 2021
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NASA recently included the work of Dennis Bodewits an associate professor in Auburn University’s Department of Physics in the College of Sciences and Mathematics in a timeline highlighting the history of the revolutionary Hubble Space Telescope.
Bodewits used the telescope to study the composition of Comet 2I/Borisov, the first interstellar comet to pass through our solar system, and his findings originally published in an April 20, 2020, article were included as an historic highlight in the interactive Hubble History Timeline. Bodewits’ work helped detail the comet’s unusual chemical makeup, which includes an abundance of carbon monoxide.
Auburn Universityand#8217;s collaboration with the HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology in Huntsville will be the focus of Alabama Public Televisionand#8217;s next episode of.