April 1, 2021
District 1 – Baudette area
CO Ben Huener (Roseau) investigated arson fires in western Roseau County and Kittson County. Evidence was transported to the BCA lab in Bemidji.
CO Marc Johnson (Warroad) worked angling activity on the Rainy River and public accesses, patrolled local state parks and forests, responded to calls for service, and answered questions regarding Lake of the Woods and Rainy River fishing regulations. In addition, a detail focusing on fire prevention was worked with DNR Forestry.
CO Corey Sura (Baudette) monitored public accesses on the Rainy River, worked boat and water enforcement, and assisted DNR Forestry with additional patrol, looking for any fire or burning activity while restrictions are in place. Enforcement action was taken for violations including fishing without a license, fishing with extra lines, fishing with unattended lines, open burning during a burn ban, open burning of garbage, and miscellaneous boating safety eq
March 11, 2021
District 1 – Baudette area
CO Demosthenes Regas (Blackduck) reports working ATVing enforcement and angling activity throughout this past week. The warm weather brought out lots of anglers. Violations encountered and addressed this past week included several violations for operating ATVs in restricted areas of the Chippewa National Forest and on nonmotorized trails, and angling license violations.
CO Corey Sura (Baudette) spent most of his time this past week on Lake of the Woods, and was joined by several other officers from throughout the state. Sura also spent time reviewing a variety of required online training.
CO Ben Huener (Roseau) checked walleye and pike anglers on Lake of the Woods. Conditions are deteriorating fast, and some accesses are already being shut down.
February 25, 2021
District 1 – Baudette area
CO Demosthenes Regas (Blackduck) worked snowmobile enforcement and angling activity on special-regulation lakes this past week. Time also was spent patrolling area grant-in-aid snowmobile trails with neighboring officers.
CO Eric Benjamin (Warroad) continued his focus on angling and off-highway vehicle enforcement this past week. Enforcement action taken this past week included a motor vehicle other than a snowmobile operating on a state grant-in-aid snowmobile trail, possessing fillets on a special-management water, immeasurable carcasses of walleyes, angling without a valid license or no license in possession, and no identification displayed on a shelter.
CO Aaron Larson (Baudette) worked primarily angling and snowmobiling enforcement. Larson also checked anglers on Lake of the Woods and found limited fishing success. Violations encountered were related to extra lines, shelter licenses, and angling licenses.
February 4, 2021
District 1 – Baudette area
CO Demosthenes Regas (Blackduck) reports working trapping, snowmobiling, and angling activity this past week. Time was spent patrolling area trails, assisting Bemidji DNR Wildlife with the bobcat/fur registration and conducting follow-up investigation of ongoing trapping cases. Regas also handled two separate incidents of incidental catches of wolves in trappers’ coyote sets.
CO Marc Johnson (Warroad) assisted with furbearer registration and worked angling activity on Lake of the Woods and at the Northwest Angle. Violations encountered included fishing with extra lines, taking fish with no angling license, no permanent shelter tag/identification, and no angling license in possession.
January 7, 2021
District 1 – Baudette area
CO Ben Huener (Roseau) checked coyote hunters and anglers around Roseau County. Anglers were checked on Lake of the Woods. Violations encountered included angling without a license and angling with extra lines.
CO Aaron Larson (Baudette) worked angling, ATVing, snowmobiling, and trapping enforcement. Larson attended fisher/marten registration in Baudette and spent time checking anglers on Lake of the Woods and Upper Red Lake.
CO Corey Sura (Baudette) reports participating in snowmobile safety and operations training, checking furs and trappers at the recent furbearer registration, patrolling the area for trapping activity, and checking anglers on the Rainy River and Upper Red Lake. CO Sura wants to remind folks to make sure they have current registration on their ATVs and snowmobiles before hitting the lakes and trails, and that all non-portable fish houses and shelters require licenses.