Remembering the fallen
By Mackenzi Klemann -
Allen County Veterans Council hold a ceremony at flag pole in Town Square on Monday.
Veterans march through downtown Bluffon
Richard Parrish | The Lima News
LIMA The crowd outside the Lima VFW Post 1275 sat silently as veterans and families of fallen soldiers laid wreaths beside the mock tomb, the silence broken by the music of passing cars.
The wreaths, a small tribute to those lost lives, are a Memorial Day tradition to highlight the sacrifice behind those deaths and ensure the public does not forget the wars of the past and present.
Memorial Day photos
Allen County veterans salute the flag.
A parade of military jeeps participate in the Lima Memorial Day event.
The high school band marches in the Bluffton Memorial Day Parade.
Scouts turn out for theBluffton Memorial Day Parade.
Allen County Veterans Council members salute the flag in Lima Town Square on Monday.
Allen County veterans salute the flag.
A parade of military jeeps participate in the Lima Memorial Day event.
The high school band marches in the Bluffton Memorial Day Parade.
Scouts turn out for theBluffton Memorial Day Parade.
Allen County Veterans Council members salute the flag in Lima Town Square on Monday.
Lima VFW announces Memorial Day activities
LIMA This year’s Memorial Day activities will be a bit different than in previous years.
According to a news release from the Allen County Veterans Council, instead of a parade from St. Gerard’s Catholic School to Lima’s Town Square at 11 a.m. on Memorial Day, there will be a gathering at the parking lot of VFW Post 1275 at the corner of East Elm Street and South Main Street. At 11:30 a.m. the group will march north to the flag pole in Town Square, where at noon, the flag, which will be displayed at half staff, will be raised to full staff, and there will be the play of Taps.