RIDOH seeking proposals for new or broadened health equity zones
THE R.I. DEPARTMENT of Health says it will distribute $1 million in funding after reviewing proposals from health equity zones that want to enlarge boundaries or to communities looking to create new zones. PROVIDENCE – The R.I. Department of Health has announced plans to distribute $1 million in funding to health equity zones looking to expand boundaries or to communities that want to establish new zones. Proposals for either the expansion of a zone, or the creation of a new one, are due by March 19. For more details,…
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American Forests Awards First Tree Planting for Climate Resilience and Human Health Grant to Rhode Island Health Equity Zone
Targeted News Service (Press Releases)
Feb. 9, 2021:
Rhode Island has been awarded a
$100,000 Tree Planting for
Climate Resilience and
The neighboring cities of
Central Falls are among 10 lower-income areas in
Rhode Island experiencing poor health outcomes, which prompted the state in 2015 to designate them as Health Equity Zones (HEZ). This designation helps the state prioritize investment in these communities to improve people s health. Many of the HEZ communities also lack trees, which contribute to healthier communities. Trees cool neighborhoods, reducing heat-related deaths, and they filter the air, which decreases the risk of respiratory illnesses.
Washington Senate Health and Long-term Care committee hears testimony on Health Equity Zones bill Sydney Kurle | Jan 21, 2021
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The Senate Health and Long Term Care committee heard testimony on SB 5052 on Monday. This bill would require the Washington State Department of Health (DOH) to designate health equity zones based on health disparity data. This bill would also ask the DOH to work with community groups to develop projects to address these inequalities.
This bill is modeled after a program in Rhode Island that is run by the state’s department of health. This program uses funding from multiple sources, a combination of state, federal, local, investor and foundation funding, to support neighborhoods and communities in establishing programs to address the social determinants of health. Some of the programs include establishing a community garden to increase access to fresh food and refurbishing old and neglected housing in the community.