Susan Edmunds15:14, May 03 2021
Brook Sabin/Stuff
Cheers and applause as Air New Zealand s first bubble flight from Australia lands.
A trans-Tasman bubble will provide a welcome boost to Air New Zealand, but to date it has been “far from a bonanza” for the airline, analysts say. Forsyth Barr analysts Andy Bowley and Scott Anderson have put out a research note on Air New Zealand, which has seen its share price drop from $3.25 in 2019 to $1.72. The price has rebounded from a low of 90c last year. They said that, as the bubble provided the airline’s first commercial international passenger services in more than a year, the opening sugar-rush of travellers visiting friends and relatives travellers was dominated by New Zealand passport holders from both sides of the Tasman.
Government s $600m loan expansion to Air New Zealand comes with a warning
9 Apr, 2021 06:03 AM
7 minutes to read
The Government has delivered a $600m loan extension and a warning to Air NZ. Photo / Brett Phibbs
The Government has delivered a $600m loan extension and a warning to Air NZ. Photo / Brett Phibbs
Aviation, tourism and energy writer for the NZ
The Government is extending its loan facility to Air New Zealand by $600 million but at the same time giving the airline a frank and detailed reminder of what s expected from it. Taxpayer backstop loans to the airline now total $1.5 billion and shareholding minister Grant Robertson has written to the airline reminding it of the Government s support to date and what it expects as an active majority shareholder .