Published July 7, 2021, 1:13 PM
The Paranaque City government launched an edible landscaping program called “Mag Edible Landscaping Tayo” to promote better nutrition and appreciation of organic farming.
Mayor Edwin Olivarez who initiated the project Food Always in the Home (FAITH) and Dr. Glen B. Gergosio, director of South East Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA) led the launch at the city nursery garden in Barangay San Isidro.
Olivarez said Gregorio shared SEARCA’s efforts on edible landscaping and urban gardening in the country during the past decades.
SEARCA was able to implement the School plus Home Gardens Project (S+HGP) in more than five schools in the province of Laguna.
Published March 10, 2021, 6:00 AM
As part of the efforts to boost the Philippines’ agricultural production, the Philippine government should find a way to be able to tap into financial technology (FinTech) in linking farmers with financial services.
“If done well, FinTech could be key to increasing agricultural productivity because of its huge potential for financial inclusion by making financial services and products accessible even to the marginalized farmers and farming families,” Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA) Director Glenn B. Gregorio said.
Rico C. Ancog, University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB) Associate Professor and UP Scientist III who leads SEARCA’s Emerging Innovation for Growth program, said the use of modern financial technologies will likewise improve cost efficiency across the food supply chain in the country.
Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture Director Glenn Gregorio urges farmers to
be open to information about genetically modified organisms. SEARCA PHOTO
TAU and LSPU have formalized ties with Searca on areas of mutual interest such as education, research and training while BatStateU agreed to cooperate in the same areas with special focus on innovative agricultural technologies, agribusiness incubation and technology transfer.
Under the partnership, a five-year memoranda of understanding (MoU) was signed by Glenn Gregorio, Searca director; Max Guillermo, TAU president; Mario R. Briones, LSPU president; and Tirso Ronquillo, BatStateU president.
“Searca’s collaboration with agricultural universities is part of its strategy to harness academe-industry-government interconnectivity to revitalize the agriculture sector in the country,” Gregorio said.