A member of the press pays tribute to journalist Felipe Guevara, who died earlier, two days after being shot, in Cali, Colombia, 23 December 2020, PAOLA MAFLA/AFP via Getty Images December in the Americas: A free expression round up produced by IFEX s Regional Editor Paula Martins, based on IFEX member reports and news from the region.
Brazil: Racism and censorship
On 23 December, Brazilian IFEX-ALC members, the Brazilian Association of Investigative Journalism (Abraji), and ARTIGO 19, alongside seven other organizations working on freedom of expression, signed a joint statement condemning judicial censorship imposed on the news portal and agency
Ponte. The decision also affected sites that republished the content, including
In Brazil, a push for pluralism
“Awareness of the profound relationship between the health of the people and the right to information materialized the need to advocate for democracy.”
The political and public health crises Brazilians faced in 2020 have made journalism stronger. Public agents’ erratic and irresponsible management of efforts against the spread of the coronavirus helped the press claim its role as a key player in defense of people’s lives. When it became clear that trustworthy information was a matter of life and death, journalism guaranteed access to data that governments could not manage or would not publicize. Awareness of the profound relationship between the health of the people and the right to information materialized the need to advocate for democracy. That need reaffirmed the importance of journalism even when under attack by the federal executive power and parts of society.