New 53-unit apartment project in Alexandria gets zoning go-ahead
The development would be located on the west side of North Nokomis/County Road 44 near the intersection with Green Lane, west of 12 existing townhomes. Written By: Al Edenloff | ×
This map shows the location of a proposed apartment project, Meadow Homes, west of County Road 42. Voyager Elementary School is in the lower left corner and the Alexandria Golf Course is in the upper portion of the map. (Map courtesy of SRF)
A project to build a 53-unit multiple family apartment building received zoning approval at Monday night’s Alexandria City Council meeting.
Former church building adds new chapter in its history
MELINDA MARTINEZ, Alexandria Town Talk
June 25, 2021
ALEXANDRIA, La. (AP) A new chapter will be added in the history of the building that once housed Shiloh Baptist Church. Plans are to turn the historical structure located on the corner of Washington Street and Martin Luther King Drive into the new home of the Louisiana History Museum.
In March the building was purchased by the Louisiana History Museum for $125,000 after a campaign to raise funds was started last year. On June 10, a sign was unveiled in front of the former church listing the names of donors.