The police in Aligarh on Friday attached ill-gotten assets worth Rs 51.80 crore belonging to western Uttar Pradesh's liquor mafia Anil Chaudhary, key accused in hooch episodes that claimed lives of nearly 50 people, officials said.
Rishi Sharma, key accused in May 28 Aligarh hooch case arrested
Accused Rishi Sharma, who carried a reward of Rs 1 lakh on his arrest, was held near Bulandshahr border in western Uttar Pradesh, Aligarh Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Kalanidhi Naithani said.
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ALIGARH: The key accused in the last month s Aligarh hooch incident, which has claimed at least 35 lives so far, was nabbed in the early hours of Sunday, police said.
Accused Rishi Sharma, who carried a reward of Rs 1 lakh on his arrest, was held near Bulandshahr border in western Uttar Pradesh, Aligarh Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Kalanidhi Naithani said.