Norfolk SEN Network, which fights for the rights of children with special educational needs, is facing future financial struggles after demand soared in coronavirus lockdown.
Wax Heads from the House of Wax were auctioned off
- Credit: Archant
Would you like to see the world’s largest private collection of model soldiers? A world-famous embroidery by a fisherman artist or the world’s longest continuously operating radar site? England’s last town gas works ? If so, you’re in luck – as they can all be found in Norfolk.
See shells - Small but perfectly formed, like many of its beautiful exhibits, the Shell Museum at Glandford, near Holt, is the oldest purpose-built museum in Norfolk. Its exquisite jewel of a building is set close to a ford through the pretty river Glaven, and houses an impressive seashell collection plus fossils, local archaeological finds and a world-famous embroidery by a fisherman artist. It reopens on Tuesday, May 18.
Reporter Sophie Wyllie holding a Cash For Charities campaign coupon. Picture: Danielle Booden
- Credit: Danielle Booden
Charities have spoken about the desperate need to start fundraising again after a tough year of coronavirus lockdowns.
The call comes as over 100 worthy causes have put their names forward to get a share of £20,000 through this paper s Cash For Charities campaign.
A Cash For Charities coupon which are available in the Eastern Daily Press,, Norwich Evening News and their sister weekly titles until July 3.
- Credit: Danielle Booden
Readers of the EDP, Norwich Evening News and sister weekly titles can collect coupons on behalf of charities which have applied for the fund until July 3 each day, apart from in Saturday s EDP.
The Priscilla Bacon Hospice is among the causes which have signed up.
- Credit: Archant
Today is the first day you can collect tokens in our Cash for Charities campaign –to win a share of £20,000 for your favourite good cause in Norfolk, Waveney and north Suffolk.
It is estimated charities in Norfolk alone lost up to £120m because of the coronavirus pandemic, as most traditional fundraising activities ground to a halt.
And that means they have found it more difficult than ever to support the vulnerable people who often rely upon their work.
Wymondham Dementia Support Group has signed up for Cash for Charities