Falmouth s town election on Tuesday, May 18, will see Michael Heylin and Onjale Scott Price square off for a select board seat. (Patch Graphics)
FALMOUTH, MA Falmouth voters will head to the polls Tuesday, May 18, for the 2021 town election.
One contested race will headline the election, and that s for a seat on the Falmouth Select Board. Incumbent Select Board member Douglas Jones chose not to seek reelection, so two candidates: Michael Heylin and Onjale Scott Price, will compete for the open seat.
Heylin is a town meeting member for Precinct 5 and has run for several town positions over the years, including for the Select Board, Planning Board and Falmouth Library Board of Trustees.
Falmouth Election: Just 1 Contested Race After Nominee Withdraws - Falmouth, MA - Housing authority incumbent Patricia Favulli withdrew from the race after Gov. Baker made her his representative on the Housing Authority.