“It is a new vaccine candidate that is developed by the US Department of Defence using the mRNA vaccine technology that came out during Covid vaccine development,” he said
part and he starts laying iton out and oh yes sir. yand then that s when you start getting business managers and attorneys and managers and all those things because you really don t know anything about it. you spent your whole life just getting good at what you re getting good at. yeah. and you livedu spsp in the trair as a kidge in the panhandle of texas. all of a sudden you make moneyhe like what do you do with it? i don t even know what this means. what did you do a with it? i bought my grandparents a house. really?y yes, sir.gr first thing i did, my granny rich and my papa rich world war two vet. and here s a woman that was born in the dust bowl days in w the middle of westom texas on a great depression. real tough simultaneously. these things areng going on and they were social security. 40 , still working 50 hours a week at a dollar store. he s trying to flip these cars. i get my hands on this money and i thought, you know what? the only reason i get to go chase down dreams like
reporter: there s no death penalty for traitors here, but as he s driven through these gates, he ll know if tried and convicted, he ll spend a lifetime behind bars. his hometown is under constant russian bombardment. so, for him, this is no small victory. russia is hitting us with millss, rockets, and rair raids. these missiles hit the coordinates transmitted by these people. people die in these attacks. soldiers and civilians. but he adds, the more atrocities the russians commit, the harder it s getting for the kremlin to recruit spies. back home for primary elections are hours away with contests in battleground pennsylvania. we have details ahead.
Army researchers will reportedly announce soon that they have created a vaccine that effectively fights all forms of COVID-19, including the new omicron variant which is ravaging the U.S. and Europe.