Chabaidao’s stock ended the day 27 per cent lower after slumping as much as 38 per cent. It raised about HK$2.6 billion (US$331.7 million) from the sale of 147.8 million shares at HK$17.50 each.
A full transcription of the ruling read by the president of the International Court of Justice, judge Joan Donoghue, on Friday in The Hague, Netherlands.
The ice cream market in Vietnam is embroiled in an intense battle of competition as new entrants challenge the established dominance of brands such as Mixue and Trang Tien ice cream, prompting strategic recalibrations to maintain market share.
Parkinson's disease is a movement disorder that currently affects about 27 million people worldwide. The average age of Parkinson's disease in China is 60 years old, and the number of patients has exceeded 300 million. In addition to drugs and surgical treatment, researchers are also exploring some new treatments for Parkinson's Disease, such as immunotherapy, stem cell therapy, nanomaterial preparation therapy, etc. There is a "honeymoon phase" in drug treatment, and dopamine neurons in the substantia nigra region of the brain degenerate significantly in Parkinson's patients.