sure. are union mines safer than non-union mines? mines where the mine operator allow their workers to have a voice in safety and freely exercise that, i think are safer mines. okay. if they are safer mines why wasn t this a union shop? and did massey fight against any kind of organization in the past? absolutely. in fact, that s the other big problem we have in mine safety. it s the way the labor laws are enforced in this country. it is illegal to threaten workers during an organizing drive. the companies do it all the time. i like to liken it toward a bank robbery. imagine, if you will, someone s caught coming out of the bank and they just robbed it and the penalty was they had to give the money back and write a letter they d never do it again. it wouldn t be safe to go in the bank in this country. that s the way the labor laws are enforced in organizing drives. mr. kane, there are 29 families tonight who don t have a loved one with them. if the congress doesn t move on t