how much of that [ bleep ] clients, after june 22, 2007? mr. chairman, i don t know the answer to that but the price would have reflected levels that he wanted to invest in at the time. you didn t tell them you thought it was a [ bleep ] deal? i didn t say that. who did? your people internally. you knew wait s a [ bleep ] deal and that s what your e-mail shows. sean: i would like to one day put every politician in washington and have them explain the bleep deal they ve given the american people on the stimulus on their earmarks and wreck less spending. we could do the same to them, couldn t we? i couldn t hear what the senator was saying could you repeat that word? sean: it starts with s-h.
[ bleep ] clients, after june 22, 2007? mr. chairman, i don t know the answer to that but the price would have reflected levels that he wanted to invest in at the time. you didn t tell them you thought it was a [ bleep ] deal? i didn t say that. who did? your people internally. you knew wait s a [ bleep ] deal and that s what your e-mail shows. sean: i would like to one day put every politician in washington and have them explain the bleep deal they ve given the american people on the stimulus on their earmarks and wreck less spending. we could do the same to them, couldn t we? i couldn t hear what the senator was saying could you repeat that word? sean: it starts with s-h.