Good morning everyone. The committee will come to order we are meeting to examine an issue that effectively weve been at a stalemate for quite some time. What we should do with used nuclear fuel accumulating at the Nuclear Reactors. At a starting point we should recognize that Nuclear Energy is an important part of our countrys electric generation. I believe its a vital part of our mix. The large reactors not landscape provide reliable admissions free power to communities across our country. Our Nations Nuclear industry is critically important but it also faces a number of challenges and one that impacted the first reactors began operation and Nuclear Waste disposition. Beginning with the passage of the Nuclear Waste policy act of 1982 congress attempted several times to address the backend of the fuel cycle. In an effort to resolve an earlier stalemate the federal government was supposed to begin taking title to use fuel and moving it to a repository at Yucca Mountain in nevada beginn
This hearing is an opportunity for us to consider the next steps on Nuclear Waste. Do we try to find another pass forward especially for communities are maintaining sites with the fuel caps left on hand in 2010 they convened a blue River Communications to manage the cycle. They had a number of recommendations that led to the introduction of the Nuclear Administration waste act. This legislation has been led by number of members including senator alexander, both on this committee, i have been a sponsor of the legislation with senators alexander and senator feinstein. And my partners on energy and water appropriations subcommittee for multiple congresses now. Weve been at this for a while and i think it is fair to say that we would like to put something behind us at some point in time, sooner rather than later. Our legislation aims to move the process forward so we can move used to fuel to a permanent repository. Our bill creates a Nuclear Waste administration to oversee consentbased soc
This hearing is an opportunity for us to consider the next steps on Nuclear Waste. Do we try to find another pass forward especially for communities are maintaining sites with the fuel caps left on hand in 2010 they convened a blue River Communications to manage the cycle. They had a number of recommendations that led to the introduction of the Nuclear Administration waste act. This legislation has been led by number of members including senator alexander, both on this committee, i have been a sponsor of the legislation with senators alexander and senator feinstein. And my partners on energy and water appropriations subcommittee for multiple congresses now. Weve been at this for a while and i think it is fair to say that we would like to put something behind us at some point in time, sooner rather than later. Our legislation aims to move the process forward so we can move used to fuel to a permanent repository. Our bill creates a Nuclear Waste administration to oversee consentbased soc
Saved. That he chose to take up arms and lead the cherokee on the Southern Side of the civil war. He hated the federal government so bad that he was the last confederate general to surrender. This amendment recognizes his actions, his reasons. And it calls for the fence that borders the flag pole in question to be remove edd and a square memorial depicting his actions as a memorial. And i think that very worthy. Was he fighting for slavery, or against slavery . No. Was he fighting even for states rights or against states rights . No. He was not. He was fighting in revenge for what had been done to him. Was that a bell i heard . Mr. Pitts those are staff bells. They wont effect you. These hearing aids pick up sounds sometimes. My wife says they pick up ducks but they dont pick her up. I told her i didnt have them in. She accuses me ladies, that i have selective hearing. Have you ever accused a man of selective hearing . She wanted to know one day we were sitting on the deck and i said s
In considering that ms. Cobbhunter i have to consider the entirety of the amendment. And the entirety of the amendment with a little section added in. I dont think i can rule outside the scope of the resolution. If there were separate questions before me, then may i ask you a question im sorry i didnt want to interrupt. Im going to overrule that point of order. Did you have another one . I have a couple more but im going to yield to my colleague mr. Smith, as i read through this once more. There are at least two, perhaps three more points of order that i think are pertinent here. If you would would the chair allow peame to consult with my attorney . No, maam. We cant well, you can consult with him. If theres another point of order may i just say this mr. Smith as he goes to his microphone what im not trying to delay. But the reason i want to consult with mr. Smith is because im not an attorney and i really dont know the law. And i want to not waste your time. So i want to make sure. Be