Fluke fishing drastically improves with the presence of sand eels and silversides, bluefish are all over Cape Cod Bay and the Canal saw epic topwater bass fishing.
Stripers of all sizes bite well in the Canal, sea bass fishing is challenging while more fluke work into reports, and activity from schoolie bluefin tuna ramps up offshore.
Sea bass season is off to a great start with big scup in the mix, 30-pound stripers pass through the Canal and flood Cape Cod Bay, and bluefish arrive en masse around Upper Cape.
Nothing says spring surfcasting like the combined stench of bluefish, fresh mulch wafting over the beach from summer homes, and the unmistakable low-tide smell. As I stepped over the mounds of mung (that nasty, hair-like seaweed we see each spring) which made a minefield of the sandy beach, I thought about how good it would