[inaudible conversations] [applause] this is great. We have a full house tonight. Good evening. I am Jean Mccormick and i have the honor of being the president of the institute for the United States senate. It is my pleasure to welcome you here tonight along with our special guest for this Evenings Program, katie and robin who will be coming through this door in a minute. We are doing something a little different tonight. We are really thrilled to be joined by so Many Community leaders and we are especially excited to welcome our new members of the institute, membership is one of the ways we make it possible to have programs like this evening. For those of you who might be visiting the institute for the first time, welcome to our replica senate chamber. It is truly spectacular in the way that senator kennedy envisioned it might remind people about the Important Role of the senate. Every day, students and adults like you and i come in and become senators for a day and try to grapple wit
Information about Hillary Clinton as part of the russian effort to help the trump campaign. Pretty fascinating, jeff, i mean you were actually on this trip back from europe, where according to the Washington Post this all took place, what more can you tell us . I was, anderson, i was on air force one that day as the Pool Reporter flying back from hamburg, germany where the g20 summit had just happened. And the president had just had his first facetoface meeting with vladimir putin, so that was on the top of mind. But we later learned that there was a lot of discussion happening on the flight about this statement, the New York Times was going to report some details of that meeting that we have all been talking so much more about now, that july 2016 meeting at trump tower. And the reality here is that cnn reported a couple weeks ago that white house aides and others involved in that discussion about cracking that statement may be subjected to legal jeopardy here because they were discuss